Sunday, May 17, 2009

Garden Update

A few posts ago, I chatted about all the yard work that needed to be done to reclaim our yard from the Kodiak winter. After hand picking the gravel that was shoveled into the grass (during snow removal), seeding, fertilizing, and raking the yard, I started on the aesthetic improvements.

Over the past week, my basil seeds sprouted, my tulip bulbs began to poke through the six inches of soil, and my chives were in full bloom.

I planted two dogwood bushes along the back fence, and I planted and staked our new choke cherry tree. To decorate the tree's footprint, I planted geraniums. In our flower boxes, I planted gladiolas, pansies and peonies.

My darling, pregnant neighbor is patiently watering all these specimens as I jet east for a few weeks. My hope is that when I return in June, our yard will be colorful, and "spring" will have arrived in Kodiak--- just in time for summer fishing season!

Lastly, I erected two bat boxes to attract Kodiak's Little Brown Bat to take care of our mosquitoes. With a vacant yard (read: no dog sniffing around), I hope to find inhabitants in the roosts when I return.

1 comment:

Tidden Tales said...

wow sounds like alot, add some pictures to this post! please :)