Friday, July 18, 2008

The joys of home ownership on Kodiak

Two weeks. Everything takes two weeks to get to the island.

Three weeks ago, Brad and I ordered flooring and carpet from Spenards, who guaranteed delivery on 14 July. We lined up two handymen to install the flooring and carpet. The delivery arrived the evening of 16 July, and our carpet installer bailed due to the delay. I scrambled to find a replacement, rcvd his confirmation, and had him re up with Brad. Our new carpet installer is a 71 year old vet named Maurice.

While picking me up at the airport, we rcv a call from Dolly, the rep from Spenard. She and Maurice rolled out the carpet on the lawn, saw some flaws, and want us to confirm. We drove back to the house and see that Maurice already ripped up all existing carpet and flawed carpet on the lawn. This American-made carpet was woven incorrectly. The mill set the loom in one direction and opposite for the entire length of 57 foot roll we ordered.

We declined the delivery, citing the flaw, and after settling Tok, Brad, and the toddlers at play, I ran off to see if a competitor had anything in stock that I liked. Negative. Off to Spenards to haggle. I did not see another brand, color, make, model, anything that I liked. We placed a call to see when the mill would make another batch. Answer: Aug 2, which means it would be shipped Aug 4, and here near Aug 16, or thereabouts.

So, rather than install a carpet I did not like in two wks, I figured I could stand to look at the matting for four weeks. Our biggest obstacle now is that our HHG are scheduled for delivery on Monday.

Thankfully, Maurice offered to gather a fellow American Legion member to move around the furniture and install the carpet in Brad's absence. He stated, "For you, little lady, anything to help you out. You've been through enough!"

Apparently, my hubby is gossiping in my absence, eh?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Little Lady...the poor guy has no idea whom he is dealing with...