Sunday, August 10, 2008

CGC Munro in the news

When in Korea recently, CGC Munro conducted exercises with the Korean Coast Guard.

Post-9/11 realities reshape Coast Guard Stars and Stripes

Now in transit, the boat and crew are encountering warm waters: 88 degrees to be exact. With the speed at which they are traveling, the engine room air temerature has been 130-140 degrees. The Corpsmen are monitoring the engineers to ensure no one is down there too long.

P.S. If anyone can stop by a local base and purchase a copy for me, and then send it to AK, I will be forever grateful for a hardcopy!


Mom said...

Brad, I enjoyed the Stars and Stripes article.
Watch out for those big waves! Hold on tight. HT, SS, Ruff:)

Flo said...

Congratulations to Munro for their spot in the news!! I can't believe how hot it is in the engine room, god bless those engineers!